A blog about things that interest me, politics, news, media, architecture, development, environment, local history, secularism, web, dublin ireland, tara

Contact me at expectationlost@gmail.com

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Irish Parliament Reshuffle, Ministers, Party Issue Spokespersons, and Committee positions

Brian Cowen's Reshuffle Speech - Irish Times

Just putting up my spokespersons spreadsheets making them more visible, if you see any mistakes, you can go straight the docs and edit them yourself, or leave a comment below.

irish political party issue spokespersons

Minister full web page


Spokesperson full web page

TD data
I have the spokespeople in this spreadsheet to run my TD exhibit off.Mininsters Location after reshuffle

TD database webpage

If TDs are to be seen as national politicians, then you should contact them on national issues, I know that you should also contact your local TD on national issues so the party can get an idea of where the issue is being raised, but usually the TD just says they'll pass it on to their issues spokesperson, so if you want a quicker response you can should email the spokesperson directly on your topic of interest as well.

shadow spokespeople
shadow spokespeople
There's less of clear showing of cabinet positions in Ireland, but I think I have most of them right,(actually i made this 6months ago and its probably in need of an update) if it open the spreadsheets and change em.


Fianna Failhttp://oireachtas.ie/members-hist/default.asp?housetype=0&HouseNum=30&PartyId=41
Fianna Fail http://www.fiannafail.ie/people/listing/
Fine Gael http://www.finegael.org/people/
Sinn Fein http://www.sinnfein.ie/dail-members
Green http://www.greenparty.ie/en/people
Labour/spokespersons.html"> http://www.labour.ie/peopleandplaces/spokespersons.html

I've been wanting to make a contact form site like contact.ie

Been meaning to try to make my own, probably with civcrm, I surprisingly hard to find a simple module to do this, plus I have found Drupal's backend horrible to use and all over the place.

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Howth Malahide Election spending Scatter plot Tableau

Continuing to try out Tableau Public

This is the Howth Malahide 2009 local election spending, spend per vote.

Data in google spreadsheet form I'm not sure of all this correct is based on figures I found searching through Fingal Independent articles from. Not sure if it works either whether you immediately get who was most got most bang for their buck.

Of course the number of terms a councillor has already served, how well they're known (Peter Coyle), local political history and unpopularity of government parties all play a role, I wonder if I should weight for terms served.

I post on Politics.ie some graphs I did Manyeyes, but wasn't happy with them.

Manyeyes Election spending scatter plot

Manyeyes Election spending Bubble Chart

Obviously Tableau has more options, was particular looking for trend line and winner and losers lines, would like winners trend line.

Also the Howth and Malahide elections areas were merged at this election. see election history at electionsireland.org