Yet another planning application =F15A/0436 on 26/01/2016. Another new planning appliation after May 2015 one withdrawn, this one is F15A/0436 applied for 18th September
Bayside Shopping Centre, Bayside F15A/0436
see Miscellaneous Correspondence 00504933 for best views of new Sept 2015 plan
new 2015 planing application Ref F15A/0206
See these documents for best views of new 2015 plan
Architectural Design Statement
Site Location Map
Seems they have withdrawn application in July due to traffic/parking issues.

Search for F09A/0522 Fingal planning search for plans. Because the links die, Im reposting the planning approval and conditions below.
MeetingThere's a meeting on 25th of March on Bayside Church at 8:30pm to discuss this.
Planning Application Details F09A/0522 Date of Application: 07-Oct-2009 Date of Registration: 12-Feb-2010 Application Type: Permission Case Officer: Harry MacLauchlan Applicant: Bayside Centre Management Location: Bayside Shopping Centre, Bayside Square, Sutton, Dublin 13 Proposal: A mixed use commercial, retail, residential, medical and creche redevelopment. View full text Fingal Co Co Decision: GRANT PERMISSION Date of FCC Decision: 10-Mar-2010 Final Grant Date: Current Status: Decision Made by Fingal County Council This application was received by Fingal County Council on 07-Oct-2009 and registered on 12-Feb-2010. On 10-Mar-2010, the decision GRANT PERMISSION was made by Fingal County Council. Application Reference: F09A/0522 Decision of Fingal County Council: GRANT PERMISSION Decision Date: 10-Mar-2010 Extension of time to (if applicable): If a decision has been made, then listed below are the conditions and reasons attached with the decision of Fingal County Council. The category of decision made, determines what is displayed under the type column: * Conditions are associated with grants * Reasons are given for refusals * Directives are items requested under Additional Information * Informatives are items requested under clarification of Additional Information * Notes are reasons for invalidating a planning application In some cases, a combination of conditions, reasons, directives and informatives are used with regard to split decisions i.e. grant permission and refuse permission. N.B. In the event of an appeal, any decision by An Bord Pleanala will supercede the above, the details of which (from 2002 onwards) can be found by following the path to the website under the Appeal tab. Type Description Condition The development to be carried out in its entirety in accordance with the plans, particulars and specifications lodged with the application and Additional Information received on 12th February 2010, save as may be required by the other Conditions attached hereto. REASON: To ensure that the development shall be in accordance with the permission and that effective control be maintained. Condition That the private amenity spaces serving the podium level apartments on the 1st floor shall be fitted with screens and dividers to a maximum height of 1.5m, except for Units A1.2, A1.3, A1.6 and A1.7 which shall have a minimum 1.8m high side screen fitted to the south east facing bedroom windows adjacent to the lobby entrances to extend outwards by at least 2.0m; Unit B1.3 which shall have a minimum 1.8m high side screen fitted to the north east facing bed room window adjacent to the lobby entrance to extend outwards by a minimum of 2.3m; and Units C1.3, C1.6 and C1.10 which will have a minimum 1.8m high side screen fitted to the north west facing bedroom windows adjacent to the lobby entrances to extend outwards by at least 2.3m. REASON: In the interest of the residential amenity of future occupants. Condition At third floor level only the areas designated as balconies for individual apartment units as detailed on Drawing No. 08044-PL-104 Rev. C shall be used as outdoor amenity space. No other roof areas shall be accessed and used as amenity space. REASON: In the interest of the residential amenity. Condition Prior to commencement of development drawings, plans and specifications detailing the proposed internal ventilation system for retail Unit No. 10 shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority. The works shall be carried out in full prior to the operation of the hot food takeaway commences and maintained as such thereafter. REASON: In the interest of public health and amenities. Condition Notwithstanding the provisions of Condition No. 12 above no additional roof plant shall be permitted except by way of separate planning permission. REASON: In the interest of the visual amenity. Condition That the proposed Retail Units Nos. 1 to 9 inclusive and Nos. 11 and 12; and the Anchor Store shall be restricted to that use identified in Class 1, Part 4 of the Exempted Development Regulations 2001, no other use shall take place without the prior grant of permission by the Planning Authority or An Bord Pleanála on appeal and shall not be used as: a) a fried fish shop or a shop for the sale of hot food for consumption off the premises; b) a shop for the sale of pet animals or birds; c) a shop for the sale or display for sale of motor vehicles other than bicycles. REASON: To protect the amenities of the area and in the interest of the proper planning and sustainable development of the area. Condition That the proposed Retail Units Nos. 1 to 9 inclusive and Nos. 11 and 12; and the Anchor Store shall be open only from 07.00 Hrs to 23.00 Hrs Monday to Saturday; and 08.00 Hrs to 22.00 Hrs on Sundays and on Bank/Public Holidays. REASON: To protect the amenities of the area. Condition That the proposed take away at Retail Unit No.10 shall close at 00.30 Hrs Monday to Saturdays and 22.00 Hrs on Sundays and on Bank/Public Holidays. REASON: In the interests of residential amenity. Condition That the proposed gym shall be open only from 07.00 Hrs to 22.00 Hrs Mondays to Saturday; and from 09.00 Hrs to 20.00 Hrs on Sundays and Bank/Public Holidays. REASON: In the interests of residential amenity. Condition That the proposed crèche shall be open only from 07.00 Hrs to 20.00 Hrs Mondays to Saturdays; and shall not be open on Sundays or on Bank/Public Holidays. REASON: In the interests of residential amenity. Condition That the proposed medical centre shall be open only from 08.00 Hrs to 20.00 Hrs and Monday to Sunday and on Bank/Public Holidays. REASON: Condition That the proposal allows for the development of 52 apartment units only. REASON: In the interests of clarity of development. Condition That goods deliveries to all commercial uses shall not be permitted between the hours of 22.00 Hrs and 07.00 Hrs. REASON: In the interest of interest of amenities of the area. Condition No amplified music speakers shall be attached to the outside walls of any of the commercial units’ hereby permitted. REASON: In the interests of residential amenity. Condition That adequate provision shall be made for the disposal of litter outside premises. Litter bins to be provided in prominent locations both inside and outside premises. Details to be agreed in writing with the Planning Authority, prior to commencement of development. REASON: In the interest of residential amenity. Condition That any shutter boxes and security grilles shall be located behind the shop window. Grilles/Shutters shall be perforated. Details of the above including colour shall be submitted for the written agreement of the Planning Authority. REASON: In the interest of visual amenity. Condition That no additional signage or fixtures other than by way of a separate planning permission shall be permitted other than those proposed as part of the application. A separate planning permission will be required. REASON: In the interests of visual amenity. Condition That the out door area to the crèche be secured by a 1.8m high secure boundary fence; and that the crèche facility in all other respects be developed in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Health Office. REASON: In the interests of orderly development. Condition The applicant shall comply with the following requirements of the Parks Division, Fingal County Council: a) In order to ensure that the trees to be retained are fully protected and maintained in good Condition throughout the course of the development a tree bond of 30,000 Euro shall be lodged with the Council prior to the commencement of any development works on site .This bond reflects the important contribution that the existing trees make to the existing environment and underlines the importance of ensuring that the trees are adequately fenced off and protected and are maintained in good Condition throughout the course of development and are not damaged by engineering associated with the proposed development b) A qualified arboriculturist shall be retained for the duration of the contract and that regular consultation is held with the Parks Division on progress of the development c) A specific specification and maintenance program to ensure the successful establishment and growth of these specimen trees needs shall be submitted and agreed with the Council prior to the commencement of development. d) A detailed works specification and maintenance and development timescale for the landscape plan for the remainder of the site shall submitted and agreed with the Planning Authority prior to the commencement of development e) The landscaping shall be carried out in accordance with BS 5837: 2005 Trees in relation to Construction. REASON: In the interests of visual amenity. Condition The applicant shall comply with the following requirements of the Transportation Department, Fingal County Council: (i) The recommendations of the stage 1 road safety audit are fully implemented. (ii) The vehicular accesses to the site shall be revised to be a ‘crossover’ of the public footpath and not a form of road junction, i.e. the footpath shall be continued at a raised level across the access, but shall be ramped and dropped as necessary (e.g. 32mm kerb over carriageway) to facilitate vehicle-entry/exit and crossing of the footpath. A level dwell area of 5m min length (max gradient 2.5%) shall be provided adjacent to the edge of the public road carriageway. (iii) The footpath running along the eastern side of the development tapers as it approaches the site entrance. The public footpath shall be maintained at a minimum of 1.5m and continuity between the footpath along the eastern boundary of the proposed development and the existing footpath along the eastern boundary of the church shall be maintained. (iv) The basement car-park shall comply with the current edition of 'Design Recommendations for Multi-Storey and Underground Car-Parks' published by the Institution of Structural Engineers, UK. (v) All of the car-parking spaces provided within the development for the residential units shall be individually marked and assigned to the residential units and/or reserved for visitors to the residential units as appropriate. No residential parking space shall be used for any purpose not directly related to the residential aspect of the proposed development and no parking space shall be sold, leased, licensed or sub-let in connection with any other use or purpose. (vi) All underground or overhead services and poles shall be relocated, as may be necessary, to a suitable location adjacent to the new boundary at the developer’s expense. REASON: In the interests of public safety. Condition The following requirements of the Planning Authority in regard to water supply and drainage arrangements to serve the proposed development shall be complied with: Foul Sewer: (i) No foul drainage is to discharge into the surface water system under any circumstances. (ii) All drainage from basement areas shall be pumped to ground level prior to discharging by gravity to the public drainage system. Basement car parks must be discharged to the foul system via a petrol/oil interceptor. (iii) The foul drainage must be in compliance with the 'Regional Code of Practice for Drainage Works Version 6.0' FCC April 2006. Surface Water: (i) No surface water/ rainwater is to discharge into the foul sewer system under any circumstances. (ii) All proposed SuDS features must be fully implemented. (iii) All intercepted surface water run-off from the ramp/basement access areas shall be pumped to ground level prior to discharging by gravity to the public surface water drainage system. (iv) The surface water drainage must be in compliance with the 'Regional Code of Practice for Drainage Works Version 6.0' FCC April 2006. (v) In the interest of water conservation and prevention of water wastage the applicant must submit details of proposed rainwater harvesting system for written approval prior to the commencement of construction. Water Supply: (i) All water fittings and installations must incorporate best current practices in water conservation. (ii) All houses and apartments must have 24 hour storage and individual water services to each unit. (iii) All commercial units must have individual metered supplies with 24 hour storage. This includes shop/office units within apartment complexes. (iv) The water supply for the development must comply with the 'Guidelines for Drinking Water Supply', FCC February 2009 Revision 1. (v) All hydrants must be at least 6 metres from a building and the absolute maximum distance any part of a building can be from a hydrant is 46 metres except in rural areas. (vi) All watermains of 300mm diameter or less must have a clearance of 5 metres from the centre of the watermain to the nearest building or structure on both sides. REASON: In the interests of public health. Condition Prior to commencement of development plans, drawings and particulars showing both cycle stand areas to be covered by a canopy shall be submitted to, and approved in writing, by the Planning Authority. REASON: In the interests of amenity. Condition That each proposed dwelling be used as a single dwelling unit apart from such use as may be exempted development for the purposes of the Planning and Development Regulations. REASON: In the interests of orderly development. Condition Prior to commencement of development, a management company shall be established by the developer and membership of this company shall be compulsory for all persons owning property in the development (whether or not there is a single owner of the entire development or individual owners of the residential units). Details of the management scheme shall be submitted to and be to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority. REASON: In the interests of orderly development and residential amenity. Condition Prior to the commencement of development, the applicant shall comply with the Fingal County Council Housing Strategy, drawn up in accordance with Part V, Section 96 (4) of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended by Section 3 of the Planning and Development Act 2002, and in accordance with agreement to be reached with the County Council Housing Department. REASON: To comply with the County Council Housing Strategy and Part V of the Planning and Development Act 2000 – 2002. Condition Prior to the commencement of development, the developer shall submit a formal Project Construction and Demolition Waste Management Plan to the Environment Department of Fingal County Council for agreement prior to Commencement Notice stage. This plan shall, inter alia, include the information recommended in sections 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 of the document entitled “Best Practice Guidelines on the Preparation of Waste Management Plans for Construction and Demolition Projects” published by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. REASON: In the interests of the reduction and best practice management of construction and demolition waste from the proposed development. Condition The following requirements shall be met in full; (i) The hours of operation on all construction sites shall be restricted to 8.00a.m. to 7.00p.m., Monday to Friday, and 8.00 a.m. to 2.00p.m. on Saturdays. (ii) No activities shall take place on site on Sundays or Bank Holidays. (iii) No activity, which would reasonably be expected to cause annoyance to residents in the vicinity, shall take place on site between the hours of 7.00pm and 8.00am. (iv) No deliveries of materials, plant or machinery shall take place before 8.00a.m. in the morning or after 7.00p.m. in the evening. (v) If there is any occasion when work must be carried on outside daytime hours, the Environmental Health Officer, local residents and businesses in areas which are likely to be affected by noise from the proposed works should be notified in advance e.g. in letter or leaflet or advertisement form, of: a) Name, address and telephone number of company carrying out works b) Nature of and REASON for works c) Likely duration and times of work (vi) No outdoor burning shall occur on site. Site must be secured to prevent access. (vii) During any demolition and the construction phase, all necessary steps shall be taken to contain dust and airborne pollutants arising from the site and to prevent nuisance to persons in the locality. This shall include i) covering skips, ii) covering slack heaps, iii) netting of scaffolding, iv) regular road and pavement damping and sweeping, v) use of water spray to suppress dust, vi) proper paved or hard stand access for trucks and vehicles to and from the site to prevent dirt and dust from the site being carried from the site on to public roads etc. In the interests of both public health and the environment the above guidelines shall be included in the work policy of those undertaking all large and small building. These details must be made known to all developers contractors and sub-contractors. REASON: In the interests of public health and residential amenity. Condition Notwithstanding the details submitted a Waste Management Plan shall be submitted to the Planning Authority for written agreement. This plan shall be in accordance with BS: 5906: 2005 ‘Waste Management in Buildings’. Details of the form of ventilation or the proposed bin storage area shall also be submitted as part of this plan. REASON: In the interests of amenities and public safety. Condition Prior to commencement of development, full details of a Bring Bank Facility including drawings, plans and particulars to be provided on the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority. REASON: In the interest of amenities and public safety. Condition Prior to the commencement of development a Lighting Scheme detailing full details of external lighting to the building and car park shall be submitted to, and approved in writing, by the Planning Authority. It is a requirement that any lighting proposed as part of this development may, if required, be revised as appropriate at any stage should it be considered by the Planning Authority that it causes unacceptable light pollution or glare to motorists or other road users. REASON: In the interest of amenity and traffic safety. Condition During the operational phase the Developer shall ensure that all activities at the site shall not give rise to noise levels off-site, at noise sensitive locations, which exceed the following sound pressure limits (leq, T) Day 55 dB(A)lAeq(30 Minutes) (0800hrs to 2200 hrs) Night 45 dB(A)LAeq (30 Minutes) (2200hrs to 0800hrs) There shall be no audible noise tonal component or impulsive component in the noise emission from the activity at any noise sensitive location. REASON: To control emissions from the facility and in the interest of amenity. Condition That a financial contribution in the sum of €429,374 be paid by the applicant to Fingal County Council in lieu of open space provision towards the cost of amenity works in the area of the proposed development as provided for in the Contribution Scheme for Fingal County made by the council based on a shortfall of 2,925 sq.m. (2,106 sq.m. Class 1 and 819 sq.m. Class 2). REASON: The provision of such services in the area by the Council will facilitate the proposed development. It is considered reasonable that the developer should contribute towards the cost of providing the services. Condition That all public services to the proposed development, including electrical, telephone cables and equipment be located underground throughout the entire site. REASON: In the interest of amenity. Condition That no development under any permission granted pursuant to this decision be commenced until security for the provision and satisfactory completion of services, including maintenance, to the taking in charge standard of the Local Authority for roads, open spaces, car parks, sewers, watermains and drains has been given by:- A. Lodgement with the Council of an approved Insurance Company Bond or a Bond of any Body approved by the Planning Authority in the sum of €208,000 which shall be kept in force by him until such time as the Roads, Open Spaces, Car Parks, Sewers, Watermains and Drains are taken in charge by the Council……OR/ B. Lodgement with the Council of a Cash Sum of €130,000 to be applied by the Council at its absolute discretion if such services are not duly provided to its satisfaction on the provisions and completion of such services to standard specification….OR/ C. Lodgement with the Planning Authority of a letter of guarantee by any body approved by the Planning Authority for the purpose in respect of the proposed development in accordance with the guarantee scheme agreed with the Planning Authority and such lodgement in any case has been acknowledged in writing by the Council. REASON: To ensure that a ready sanction may be available to the Council to induce the provision of services and prevent disamenity in the development. Condition That no dwelling be occupied until all the services have been connected thereto and are operational. REASON: In the interest of the proper planning and sustainable development of the area. Condition That an acceptable naming and numbering scheme for the development shall be submitted for the agreement of the Building Control Section of the Planning Department prior to the commencement of the development. The naming scheme shall reflect local historical place names, and shall be bilingual. Road name signs shall be located at prominent positions within the development, and shall be bilingual. Dwellings shall be numbered and these numbers shall be affixed to the dwellings in a prominent position. REASON: In the interest of the residential amenities of the area. Condition That the residential aspect of the development in terms of available daylight to habitable rooms shall comply with BS: 8206 Lighting for Buildings, Part 2 1992: Code of Practice for Daylight. REASON: In the interest of the residential amenity of future occupants. Condition Samples of all materials to be used on all of the external finishes of the proposed building, and civic square, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing, by the Planning Authority prior to the commencement of construction of the proposed development. REASON: In the interest of visual amenities. Condition The lift and stair cores on the northern elevation shall be of a simplified design with the number of window opes reduced and rationalised on each floor; and walls shall be finished in one material, different to the rest of the elevation. Prior to the commencement of development plans, drawings and particulars shall be submitted to the Planning Authority, and written approval obtained, showing an amended design and a single material to be used on the external finishes. REASON: In the interest of visual amenities. Condition The developer shall pay the sum of € 1,308,127.00 updated at date of commencement of development, in accordance with changes in the Wholesale Price Index (Building and Construction Materials) to the planning authority as a contribution towards expenditure that was/or that is proposed to be incurred by the planning authority in respect of public infrastructure and facilities benefiting development in the area of the Authority, as provided for in the Contribution Scheme for Fingal County made by the council. The phasing of payments and the giving of security to ensure payment shall be agreed in writing with the planning authority prior to the commencement of development. REASON: It is considered reasonable that the payment of a contribution be required in respect of the public infrastructure and facilities benefiting development in the area of the planning authority and that is provided, or that is intended will be provided, by or on behalf of the Local Authority. Note 1: The Applicant is advised that under the provisions of Section 34(13) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 a person shall not be entitled solely by reason of a permission to carry out any development. Note 2: The Applicant is advised that the onus is on them to comply in full with the Building Control Regulations. Note 3: The Applicant should consult with the requirements of the principle Environmental Health officer, H.S.E., Northern Area, 1st Floor, Unit 5, Block 4B, Blanchardstown Corporate park, Ballycoolin, Dublin 15.
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